ILL Requests for 2024 Dashboard

ILL Requests for 2024 Return to Dashboard

"Interlibrary loan is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. The purpose of interlibrary loan as defined by this code is to obtain, upon request of a library user, material not available in the user's local library." American Library Association

ILL Stats Fall 2017
Book Requests461Books Received184
Article Requests804Articles Received596
Loan Requests From Other Libraries2175Loans Sent to Other Libraries167
ILL Requests Submitted for Purchase225ILL Requests Purchased



ILL Stats Spring 2017
Book Requests416Books Received178
Article Requests579Articles Received470
Loan Requests From Other Libraries1406Loans Sent to Other Libraries128
ILL Requests Submitted for Purchase194ILL Requests Purchased



ILL Stats Winter 2017
Book Requests598Books Received271
Article Requests745Articles Received611
Loan Requests From Other Libraries2074Loans Sent to Other Libraries171
ILL Requests Submitted for Purchase282ILL Requests Purchased


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